Understanding the Performance Curve of B2B Social Selling

Businesses can optimize their social selling strategies to achieve consistent results.


Tony Hackett


social selling with a laptop computer and a laptop with a camera and a laptop
social selling with a laptop computer and a laptop with a camera and a laptop

Social selling has become a powerful tool for B2B companies to connect with potential customers and drive business growth. However, understanding the performance curve of B2B social selling is crucial for maximizing its effectiveness. This blog post will explore the performance curve and how businesses can optimize their social selling strategies to achieve consistent results.

The Performance Curve Defined

The performance curve of B2B social selling represents the correlation between effort and outcomes. It illustrates how sales reps’ activities on social media platforms influence their success in engaging prospects, generating leads, and closing deals.

The Initial Hurdles

When starting with social selling, sales reps experience hurdles such as building a relevant network and establishing credibility. It takes time and consistency to grow your network, earn trust, and gain visibility within your target audience.

Effort vs. Outcomes

As sales reps invest more time, effort, and resources in their social selling activities, they can expect an initial trial-and-error period before achieving desirable outcomes. During this phase, tracking key metrics like engagement rates, connections established, and qualified leads generated to evaluate progress is crucial.

Growth Phase

After overcoming the initial hurdles and refining their approach through data-driven insights, sales reps enter a growth phase on the performance curve. Here, they experience increased engagement levels with potential clients and reaping tangible benefits from their investment in social media efforts.

Optimal Strategy Formulation

To reach peak performance in B2B social selling, it’s essential to identify an optimal strategy that aligns with your business goals and target audience preferences. A successful strategy includes:

- Targeted Approach: Focus on specific industries or niches relevant to your products/services rather than casting a wide net.

- Quality Content Creation: Develop valuable content, such as blog articles, whitepapers, videos, or webinars that address your target audience’s pain points.

- Consistent Engagement: Regularly interact with your network by sharing relevant content, commenting on industry discussions, and responding promptly to inquiries.

- Relationship Building: Build genuine relationships by engaging with prospects through personalized messages, offering support, and providing insights or solutions.

- Leveraging Tools and Technology: Use social media management tools, CRM platforms, and analytics solutions to streamline processes, track performance metrics, and measure ROI.

Sustaining Success

To maintain success in B2B social selling over the long term:

- Adapt to Changing Platforms: Stay up-to-date with evolving social media platforms and their algorithms to ensure your content reaches the right audience.

- Continuous Learning: Invest in ongoing training programs to update sales reps on the latest social selling best practices and industry trends.

- Data Analysis and Optimization: Continuously analyze metrics to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions for optimizing your social selling strategy.

Understanding the performance curve of B2B social selling is essential for businesses to leverage this powerful tool. By acknowledging the initial challenges, investing effort in building a strong foundation, formulating an optimal strategy tailored to your business goals and target audience needs – and adapting when necessary – you can achieve consistent success in driving engagement, generating leads, and closing deals through B2B social selling.