Social selling habits B2B sellers should adopt and avoid

The right balance depends on the seller's style and understanding of their audience.


Tony Hackett


a black and white sign that says which social selling habit sellers should adopt and avoid
a black and white sign that says which social selling habit sellers should adopt and avoid

In today's digital age, social media has become essential for businesses to reach out to customers. B2B sellers are no exception. However, with the increasing use of social media comes the need for B2B sellers to adopt certain habits and avoid others when social selling.

In this article, we will explore the different digital tools and social media strategies that B2B sellers should embrace or stay away from to engage with their customers and enhance their sales performance. Whether you're a seasoned seller or starting, understanding these habits can make all the difference in your success as a B2B seller in today's competitive market.

Explaining social selling and its importance in B2B

Concerning social selling, B2B sellers must adopt habits that can help them connect with their potential customers. One of the most common practices is sharing relevant and valuable content on online platforms like LinkedIn. This content can be blog posts, videos, infographics, or case studies, which help attract potential buyers and build trust by showcasing your expertise.

However, while sharing informative content is vital for social selling success, there are certain practices that B2B sellers should avoid at all costs. One such habit is being too salesy when dealing with prospective clients. Instead of only talking about the products or services you offer, building a relationship with your prospects by engaging with them in conversations and showing an interest in their business needs is essential.

In conclusion, social selling has become essential for B2B companies to enhance their lead generation efforts. Adopting the proper habits, such as sharing valuable content and avoiding being too aggressive or self-promotional when interacting with potential customers on digital platforms, can help establish long-lasting relationships that result in higher sales revenue.

Adopt: Building a strong online presence

Regarding social selling, B2B sellers must adopt certain habits to help them achieve their sales goals. One of the most important things they should do is build a robust online presence. This means creating profiles on different social media platforms and posting content relevant to their target audience.

To build a robust online presence, B2B sellers should also focus on creating a social selling strategy. This involves identifying the right platforms, understanding their target audience's needs and pain points, and developing content that resonates with them. By doing this, they can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and attract potential customers.

However, there are also some social selling habits that B2B sellers should avoid. These include being promotional or spammy in their approach, failing to respond to customer inquiries or comments on social media, and not engaging with other industry experts or influencers. By avoiding these negative behaviors and building a solid online presence through effective social selling strategies, B2B sellers can increase their chances of success in today's digital marketplace.

Avoid: Spamming potential customers

Spamming prospective customers is one of the most important things to avoid in social selling. It can be tempting to send out mass messages or emails to get a response, but this approach rarely works and can harm your reputation. Instead, focus on building relationships with potential customers by engaging with them on social media and providing valuable content.

Another habit to avoid is relying too heavily on social selling tools. While tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Hootsuite can be helpful, they should not be the sole focus of your social selling strategy. Remember that social selling is about building human connections and trust, so spend time interacting with people rather than relying on automation.

Finally, avoiding being pushy or aggressive in your approach is essential. While being enthusiastic about your product or service is excellent, bombarding potential customers with messages or trying to force a sale will only turn them off. Instead, focus on listening to their needs and providing solutions without being pushy.

Adopt: Engaging with prospects on social media

To engage with B2B buyers on social media, B2B businesses should adopt a personalized approach. This means engaging with prospects in a way that is tailored to their individual needs and preferences. Avoid generic or spammy messages, which can turn off potential customers and damage your brand reputation.

Another habit to adopt is active listening. This means monitoring social media channels for relevant conversations and joining when appropriate. By listening, you can gain valuable insights into your target audience's pain points, interests, and priorities. However, be sure to avoid coming across as intrusive or pushy – instead, focus on providing value by offering helpful resources or advice related to the conversation.

While social media can be a powerful tool for building relationships and nurturing leads, it shouldn't be the sole focus of your sales strategy. Instead, use social media as part of a broader multi-channel approach that includes other tactics such as email marketing and targeted advertising campaigns.

Avoid: Being too pushy or aggressive in sales pitches

Regarding B2B selling, sales reps should be careful not to be too pushy or aggressive in their sales pitches. While being confident and assertive in the sales process, being aggressive can turn off potential clients and damage relationships.

One way to avoid being too pushy is by taking a consultative approach to selling. Instead of pushing products or services onto prospects, sales reps should take the time to understand their needs and pain points. They can tailor their pitch by asking questions and listening to meet the prospect's unique needs better.

Another way to avoid being too pushy is by respecting the prospect's time and space. Sales reps should never bombard prospects with too many calls or emails but instead focus on building a relationship over time through regular touchpoints. This approach makes prospects more comfortable with the seller, making them more likely to purchase.

Adopt: Providing valuable content to prospects

One social selling habit B2B sellers should adopt is providing relevant and valuable content to their target audience. This can come in blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, or social media updates. By sharing informative and educational resources with prospects, sellers can establish themselves as experts in their industry and build trust with potential customers.

However, sellers must avoid bombarding prospects with irrelevant content. Instead, they should create content addressing their target audience's pain points and challenges. This requires a deep understanding of the buyer persona and research to identify what topics are most important to them. By providing valuable content that meets prospects' needs, B2B sellers can position themselves as trusted advisors rather than pushy salespeople.

Avoid: Only focusing on selling your product/service

One of the biggest mistakes B2B sellers can make on social media is only focusing on selling their product or service. While promoting what you offer, potential buyers are likelier to engage with your brand if they feel they're getting value from your content. Mix up your social media strategy by providing industry insights, thought leadership articles, and helpful tips related to your field.

Another habit to avoid is neglecting your social media profiles altogether. Even if you're not posting daily, potential buyers may check out your profile to learn more about your company and its values. Ensure all information is up-to-date and accurate, including contact information and links to relevant websites or resources. You want potential buyers to see that you're active on social media and invested in building customer relationships beyond making a sale.

In summary, B2B sellers should avoid focusing on selling their products or services while ensuring their social media profiles represent their brand and offer valuable content for potential buyers. By adopting these habits, B2B sellers can improve their online presence and establish themselves as trustworthy sources within their industry.

The importance of balancing sales tactics with building relationships

In conclusion, sales teams must balance sales tactics and building relationships with B2B customers. While selling, nurturing long-term customer relationships can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth. Adopting social selling habits such as listening to customer needs, engaging with them on social media, and providing personalized solutions can help build trust and rapport.

On the other hand, sellers should avoid using pushy or aggressive sales tactics that may appear insincere or inauthentic. Cold calling without prior research or spamming inboxes can harm building relationships and damage the brand's reputation. Instead, sellers should focus on establishing themselves as trusted advisors with their customers' best interests.

Finding the right balance between selling tactics and relationship-building will depend on the individual seller's style and understanding of what works best for their target audience. By adopting these social selling habits while avoiding negative ones, sales teams can improve their chances of success while building relationships beyond one sale.