Over-egging the mix in business writing

Effective business writing should strive towards conciseness and clarity.


Tony Hackett


a stamp that says simplify depicting not over-egging business correspondence
a stamp that says simplify depicting not over-egging business correspondence

Over-egging the mix in business writing is a common mistake many people make. It refers to the tendency to use too many words, phrases, or concepts to impress or persuade the reader. This can lead to confusion, loss of interest, and a failure to communicate effectively.

In any form of communication, clarity is critical. Regarding business writing, it can mean the difference between success and failure. Whether you are writing a proposal for an investor or an email to a client, you need to be clear and concise if you want your message to be understood.

There are several ways it can manifest itself when it comes to over-egging the mix in business writing. One typical example is jargon or technical terms that the reader needs help understanding. While such terminology may be second nature in your work, it must be clarified for recipients outside your industry.

Using less verbose language or complicated sentence structures can also help comprehension. Rather than adding meaning or improving clarity, these superfluous words will only lengthen sentences and reduce clarity.

Many individuals resort to over-egging as they feel their arguments lack credibility without excessive support and flourish – especially when attempting persuasion. However, heavy rhetoric may even distract from facts and logical reasoning, so it’s advisable to avoid unnecessary embellishments – instead, focus on delivering impactful information.

To avoid over-egging the mix in your business writing, it’s important first to establish who your target audience is.

Consider factors such as their familiarity with industry jargon and level of experience with complex topics under discussion, and consider adapting your writing style.

For instance, communication aimed at senior management may contain more complex discussions than internal memos for junior employees requiring different lexis.

Once you understand this aspect, convey your messages utilizing shorter sentences conveying maximum impact – avoid complex language that may not impact the readers and appear as superfluous information.

Another helpful tip is preparing an outline before writing to organize thoughts and information. This will also help you identify areas where unnecessary or cumbersome language can be removed that may over-egg your document.

Another piece of advice would be to have someone else proofread your writing for clarity and brevity. A second set of eyes will often catch any extraneous elements that may detract from your intended message’s clarity, keeping the target audience in mind.

Over-egging content beyond usefulness reduces communication effectiveness and can shift focus onto extraneous elements damaging the image built through excessive embellishments.

In conclusion, effective business writing should strive towards conciseness and clarity by prioritizing relevant information over flowery language and building reputation while promoting easy communication with others within the organization or third-party stakeholders/target audiences.