Maintaining the Personal Touch in Social Selling

Keeping the personal touch alive in social selling establishes meaningful connections with prospects.


Tony Hackett


a person holding a laptop computer and a laptop depicting personal touch in social selling
a person holding a laptop computer and a laptop depicting personal touch in social selling

Social media makes getting caught up in automation and impersonal interactions easy. However, successful social selling requires balancing technology and the personal touch.

In this post, we will explore why keeping the “personal” in your social selling efforts is crucial for building meaningful relationships with prospects and provide tips on achieving this balance.


Social selling is not about bombarding prospects with generic sales pitches. Instead, it’s about establishing authentic connections based on genuine engagement. Take the time to understand your target audience, their pain points, and interests. Engage with them by liking, commenting, or sharing their posts. Show a genuine interest in their content and contribute valuable insights.


When reaching out to prospects on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter, avoid using generic message templates that scream “mass marketing.” Personalize each message by referencing something specific from their profile or recent posts. This shows that you’ve taken the time to learn about them and value personalized communication over a one-size-fits-all approach.


One way to establish credibility and build relationships is by sharing valuable content relevant to your industry or niche. Whether it’s blog articles, infographics, or industry reports, curating and sharing high-quality content positions you as an expert and resourceful partner rather than aiming to sell your products or services.


Social listening goes beyond setting up alerts (as discussed in our previous blog post). Actively track conversations about your industry or products/services, engage in dialogue where appropriate, and offer helpful solutions immediately without pushing for a sale. Being present and responsive within relevant discussions shows your expertise while gaining the trust of potential customers who appreciate your willingness to help.


Once you’ve contacted a prospect, follow up in a personalized manner. Rather than sending a generic “just following up” message, reference specific discussions or points raised during your previous interactions. This keeps the conversation flowing and shows you care about their needs and are invested in building relationships.


Video messages can add a personal touch that written messages often lack. Consider leveraging tools like Loom or Vidyard to record short personalized videos for your prospects, addressing their needs or questions. A video message allows your personality to shine through and creates a more human connection than traditional text-based messages.

Relationships Outside of Selling

Remember that social selling is about building relationships beyond making sales. Interact with prospects even when there isn’t an immediate opportunity. Celebrate their achievements, offer helpful advice or insights unrelated to your products/services, and support their endeavors. By nurturing relationships this way, you position yourself as someone they trust and turn to when they’re ready to buy.