How to use social selling to connect with challenger buyers

Social selling also enables salespeople to position themselves as industry experts by sharing valuable content and insights.


Tony Hackett


a person holding a phone using social selling to connect with buyers
a person holding a phone using social selling to connect with buyers

Understanding Challenger Buyers: Who are they? Why do they matter?

Challenger buyers are unique customers who challenge the status quo and are not swayed by traditional sales techniques. These buyers are well-informed, confident in their decision-making abilities, and often have a specific solution in mind before even engaging with a salesperson. They seek someone who can give them new insights and help them think about their problems.

Understanding challenger buyers is important because they value expertise, creativity, and innovation over price or brand loyalty. Therefore, companies must adapt their sales strategies to connect with these customers.

By leveraging social selling techniques such as personalized messaging, thought leadership content creation, and active engagement on social media platforms, salespeople can build relationships with challenger buyers that lead to successful deals. It's essential to understand what drives these buyers' behavior so that companies can engage with them and provide the solutions they need to succeed in today's ever-changing business landscape.

Building a Strong Online Presence: Tips for establishing credibility and trust

One of the most important aspects of social selling is building a strong online presence that establishes credibility and trusts with your potential customers. You must create informative, relevant, and engaging content to do this. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, podcasts, or social media updates.

Another tip for establishing credibility and trust is engaging with your audience. This means responding to comments and messages, asking for feedback, and being transparent about your values and business practices. Additionally, it's important to maintain consistency across all your online channels - from your website to social media profiles - to appear professional and reliable.

Finally, one key aspect of building trust through social selling is demonstrating expertise in your industry or niche. We can achieve this by sharing thought leadership content or participating in industry events/trade shows. By positioning yourself as a knowledgeable resource who can help solve problems or answer questions, you'll build trust with potential buyers seeking solutions to their challenges.

Engaging with Challenger Buyers: Strategies for starting conversations and adding value

We know challenger buyers for their skepticism towards traditional sales tactics, making it difficult for sales professionals to start conversing with them. But, several strategies can be used to engage with these types of buyers and add value in the process. One approach is researching the buyer's industry, company, and individual role before reaching out. This shows that you have taken the time to understand their specific challenges and needs.

Another effective strategy is to lead with insights and thought-provoking questions instead of immediately pitching your product or service. This helps establish credibility and positions you as a trusted advisor rather than another salesperson. Additionally, offering relevant content such as articles or case studies can help build trust and prove your expertise in their industry.

Engaging with challenger buyers requires a more tailored approach that focuses on adding value instead of pushing a sale. By conducting thorough research, leading with insights, and offering relevant content, sales professionals can connect with these skeptical buyers and close deals based on mutual trust and understanding.

Nurturing Relationships: Maintaining connections over time

One of the most important aspects of social selling is nurturing and maintaining connections. This is especially important for challenger buyers, who tend to be more skeptical and less likely to trust traditional sales tactics. Building a strong relationship based on trust and mutual understanding can go a long way in convincing these buyers to purchase.

To maintain connections with challenger buyers, staying engaged on social media platforms where they are active is essential. This means posting relevant content, commenting on their posts, and responding to messages or inquiries. Personalizing interactions by showing genuine interest in their business challenges and goals is also important.

Another key aspect of nurturing relationships with challenger buyers is providing value beyond trying to make a sale. This could include sharing industry insights, offering helpful advice, or introducing them to other professionals who can help solve their problems. You'll develop a stronger bond that will pay off in the long run by demonstrating that you're invested in helping them succeed rather than making a quick sale.

Measuring Success: Metrics to track and evaluate your social selling efforts

Tracking and evaluating your social selling efforts are crucial to measuring the effectiveness of your strategy. Metrics can help you understand what works and what doesn't, allowing you to adjust your approach.

Key metrics include engagement rate, reach, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and pipeline value. The engagement rate measures how many people interact with your content. Reach shows how many people saw it. CTR tracks how many clicked through to your website or landing page. Conversion rates indicate how many visitors took action on your site after clicking through from social media. Pipeline value measures revenue generated from social selling efforts.

By monitoring these metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize for better results. Whether tweaking your messaging or targeting a different audience segment, data-driven insights will guide you toward more successful social selling outcomes.

Conclusion: Why social selling works with challenger buyers

In conclusion, social selling is effective when dealing with challenger buyers. This is because it allows salespeople to build relationships with potential customers and establish trust that traditional sales methods may struggle to achieve. By utilizing social media platforms, such as LinkedIn or Twitter, salespeople can engage with challenger buyers more personally and understand their needs and challenges.

Social selling also enables salespeople to position themselves as industry experts by sharing valuable content and insights. This approach helps establish credibility and differentiate itself from competitors using more traditional sales tactics. By engaging with potential customers on social media, salespeople are better equipped to identify prospects ready to move forward in the buying process.

Social selling provides benefits for engaging with challenger buyers. It allows for a more personalized and relationship-focused approach that resonates well with this buyer persona. Social selling will only become increasingly important for successful B2B sales strategies as the business world becomes more digitally focused.