Developing B2B Social Selling Habits

This habit takes time and effort to develop - but worth it.


Tony Hackett


a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop computer using social selling habits
a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop computer using social selling habits

The modern buyer is much more informed and independent, and they expect sales reps to provide real value and insights that can help them make informed decisions. Social selling has emerged as a B2B sales growth strategy in this context. Social selling involves leveraging social media to build relationships with potential customers, provide valuable content, and engage in personalized conversations. Many top-performing B2B sales reps have made social selling a habit and have seen actual results. But developing a social selling habit requires discipline and a willingness to learn and adapt.

Identify and Connect

This process involves researching and understanding your target audience in great detail, including their needs, buying habits, and preferred communication channels. Doing so allows you to create tailored messaging and content that resonates with your ideal buyers and addresses their unique challenges. Connecting with your target audience on social media platforms is essential, enabling you to engage with them more naturally. Building relationships with your ideal buyers through social media channels can help establish trust and increase the likelihood of closing sales in the long run. Identifying and connecting with your ideal buyers is a crucial first step in developing a successful social selling habit for B2B sales growth.

Needs and Preferences

You can achieve this by conducting thorough research, analyzing your target audience, and gathering as much information as possible about their company and industry. By understanding your buyer's needs and preferences, you can tailor your messaging and approach to better resonate with them and establish a stronger rapport. This will lead to more successful sales outcomes and help build long-lasting client relationships. Understanding your buyer's needs and preferences can inform your content marketing strategy by allowing you to create content that speaks to their interests, positioning you as a valuable and knowledgeable resource in their eyes.


Social selling involves engaging with potential customers on social media platforms by offering them valuable and relevant content that addresses their pain and needs. To succeed in social selling, delivering relevant content as a foundation for building trust is necessary. Your content should address your customer's challenges and provide them with a clear idea of how your solutions can address their needs. Your content must be well-researched, informative, and easy to understand. Consistency in creating and sharing content is also essential for building a robust social selling habit.


These individuals have a significant online presence and following in the industry. They often provide valuable insights and opinions, making them a trusted source by professionals in your field. Engaging with influencers helps you expand your network and gives you access to their followers, increasing your reach and visibility. To make the most of these connections, start by building relationships with them through interacting with their content, sharing their posts, and commenting on their updates. Once you have developed a rapport, you can approach them for collaborations or partnerships to enhance your social selling efforts. By partnering with influencers, you can establish credibility, build trust, and create a personal connection with potential leads, increasing your B2B sales growth.


To build a brand that resonates with your target audience, identify your business's values and what makes it unique. Then, craft a brand messaging strategy that emphasizes these values and highlights how your services or products can help solve your customers' problems. Focus on building relationships with your prospects and engaging them through social media channels. By positioning your company as a reliable resource and partner, you can create a loyal following that is more likely to refer to new business and become long-term customers. Consistency in messaging and maintaining a customer-centric approach across all touchpoints is central to building a solid relationship-focused brand image.

Automation Tools

Social media automation is an efficient way to stay on top of your social media accounts and maximize your reach. Tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social can help you schedule social media posts in advance, track engagement, analyze performance, and provide valuable insights into your audience's behavior. By automating tedious tasks like content curation and scheduling, you can free up your time to focus on cultivating relationships and engaging with customers. Yet, using these tools and relying on something other than automation would be best. Mix it up by adding personal touches to your posts and engaging with your audience in real-time. By combining automation with a human touch, you can develop a well-rounded social selling strategy that drives results for your B2B business.

Follow Up

This serves two purposes: first, it shows the potential customer that you are interested in helping them find a solution to their problem, and second, it keeps you top-of-mind for when they are ready to make a purchasing decision. Remember, the B2B sales cycle is often longer and more complex than B2C, so consistent follow-up will build trusted relationships with potential customers and close deals. To ensure a successful follow-up process, keep track of all interactions in a CRM system and develop a personalized approach for each potential customer based on their unique needs and interests.


This involves tracking metrics, such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and pipeline growth, and analyzing the data to identify areas for improvement. By monitoring your performance, you can determine what works well and what needs to be adjusted to achieve your goals. Regular measurement allows you to make data-driven decisions that can help optimize your social selling strategy and maximize your B2B sales growth. It pays to track your progress and adjust your approach to achieve the best results. Social selling is dynamic and evolving, so continuous monitoring and measurement are non-negotiable.

Optimize and Adjust

As with any habit, developing a successful social selling routine takes time, effort, and persistence. Besides sharing valuable content and engaging with prospects, test and adjust your strategies as needed. This means analyzing which methods are most effective for your audience and making changes, whether that involves adjusting your social media posting schedule or incorporating more video content into your strategy. Optimizing your approach and remaining flexible allows you to stay ahead of the curve and drive growth in your B2B sales through social selling.

Businesses can foster meaningful relationships with potential customers by embracing a buyer-centric approach and using social media platforms. This habit takes time and effort to develop. Still, the rewards are worth it, as they can help businesses build trust and credibility and establish a competitive edge in the market. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, social selling will remain an essential component of any successful B2B sales strategy, and businesses that adapt to this approach will thrive.