Dear time-poor business executive

Services from a qualified B2B business development executive can increase conversions and interactions with prospects.


Tony Hackett


a group of time-poor business executives working on a large clock
a group of time-poor business executives working on a large clock

As a busy professional, your time is valuable and often in high demand. Between attending meetings, managing teams, and the daily operations of your business, it can take time to find time to create engaging social selling content.

I recommend outsourcing this task to an experienced B2B business development executive. Allow me to explain why.

A business development executive is aware of the sales funnel process for B2B marketing. They know how to target businesses on social media and engage the right people at the right time with relevant content. They understand the importance of creating interest in your brand by providing informative and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

By outsourcing your social selling content creation, you will receive content that attracts potential customers interested in your offer. This leads us to another important point – increased conversions.

By working with an experienced business development executive on social selling tactics, they can help identify opportunities through lead qualification processes, resulting in higher conversions for you and your company. By taking the pressure off yourself and passing it on to someone with a proven track record for success, valuable leads can be followed up rather than buried underneath more pressing daily tasks.

The approach taken by a seasoned business development expert when creating marketing material considers any benefits of utilizing your products or solutions from multiple angles. This approach often results in better overall brand representation online and develops email templates that resonate further than subject lines.

Second, trusting someone else with crafting your message gives you access to more extensive networks they have already established on various platforms. While pursuing their outbound strategies, these connections become even more valuable when nurtured through interactions on other profiles within those networks. Therefore, giving you access to tens, if not hundreds, of prospects without lifting a finger.

Third, outsourcing this task helps you to focus on what you do best–running your business. Think about it, time is a finite resource, and delegating social selling tasks to an able and experienced hand will free up space in your schedule to prioritize strategic planning, important meetings, or take some valuable time off work.

Finally, working with someone who understands your company's value proposition allows for a high quality of purposeful content rather than producing content that looks appealing but functions poorly. The most successful business development executives understand the target market they are working in.

When choosing someone to outsource your social selling tasks to, be sure you’re investing in a business development executive with extensive experience working in B2B marketing and knowledge about successful negotiations within the industry. This specialist will know how to create social media profiles, hone their brand representation online and produce valuable and engaging content that converts leads into recurring customers.

In summary, outsourcing social selling content creation is a smart move to save time while keeping an effective marketing strategy intact. Using services from a qualified B2B business development executive can lead to increased conversions and higher levels of interaction with prospects through previously established networks. And because you’ll have more time when delegating these responsibilities- there's no reason you shouldn’t pursue this strategy - especially when it means those around you profit too.

To achieve long-term success at scale, consider exploring all available resources by adopting this business model. You’ll soon take advantage of networking opportunities quicker than if you chose another path.