Tips and techniques for B2B social selling

The benefits of social selling, and how to build and maintain customer relationships.


Tony Hackett


a laptop computer with a megaphone depicting B2B socials elling
a laptop computer with a megaphone depicting B2B socials elling

Social selling uses social media platforms and networks to create and nurture relationships with potential customers to drive sales. It has become essential to a B2B sales strategy, allowing businesses to reach new prospects and engage with leads more personalized and effective.


1. Increased Reach: Social selling enables businesses to reach a larger audience than traditional cold calling or emailing methods.

2. Improved Personalization: With access to customer data, businesses can personalize their approach for each lead by tailoring their messaging based on individual interests and needs.

3. Better Lead Quality: By connecting with potential customers through social networks, businesses can identify leads more likely to convert into paying customers.

4. Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Social selling fosters more vital communication between businesses and their existing customers, which often results in greater loyalty towards the brand.


1. LinkedIn: This is one of the most popular social media platforms used for B2B social selling due to its extensive professional network, advanced search capabilities, and ability to share content.

2. Twitter: Though only sometimes known as a B2B platform, Twitter can be beneficial for networking with potential prospects or referral sources through relevant hashtags or specialty groups.

3. Facebook: While commonly considered a consumer platform, Facebook’s Groups feature can provide an excellent opportunity for organizations to interact with others who share similar interests or industries, allowing you to identify new leads & stay on top of trends within your industry.


1. Be strategic about your connections: Research online communities that align with your business goals, such as groups within LinkedIn or even following specific targeted function-based profiles (think Sales Thought Leaders). Your network should include those who will best help you reach your goals.

2. Foster conversations: Generate interest by starting conversations with other professionals online - asking open-ended questions or lending helpful insights when addressing their concerns or challenges can lead to meaningful connections.

3. Share valuable content: Relevant & engaging content such as thought leadership pieces, attention-grabbing infographics, or informative tip sheets present a real value exchange for prospects and customers you have met through your networking effort.


1. Consistent Communication: Like in any relationship, communication is key! Establish a regular touchpoint cadence (newsletters, customer satisfaction surveys, etc.) to ensure you're keeping them informed on essential updates/ new products/services while remaining top of mind for any further needs they could encounter.

2. Personalization: Use data from social networks and other engagement metrics (emails, website usage data, and more) to personalize the interaction instead of mass-blasting generic messages that appear automated and impersonal.

3. Exceptional Customer Service - Responding quickly and effectively when your client has an issue is necessary and builds trust throughout the sales cycle. Make it easy for clients to contact you- be sure it's simple for them to connect with someone knowledgeable anytime they need assistance.

In summary, social selling allows B2B businesses to establish meaningful relationships with potential customers. It provides a platform for nurturing those leads into paying clients while fostering greater customer loyalty with current ones. By following these tips on building genuine connections and providing valuable content paired with excellent service B2B companies can outshine their competitors, which builds greater brand credibility and revenue growth over time!