B2B Social Selling Tips on X as the Only Social Channel

Maximizing X as your primary social channel requires strategy, consistency, and thoughtful engagement.


Tony Hackett


a Twitter X computer keyboard with the letter x on it
a Twitter X computer keyboard with the letter x on it

Social selling has become an integral part of B2B sales strategies. While many social media platforms are available for businesses to engage with their target audience, companies sometimes must focus on a channel that aligns well with their goals and objectives. Let’s explore tips for B2B social selling using X as the primary social channel.

Optimize Your Profile: Optimizing your profile is crucial to leverage X for social selling. Ensure your bio includes relevant keywords, industry-specific hashtags, and links to your website or landing page. A compelling profile picture and cover image can also grab users’ attention.

Consistent Branding: Maintaining consistent branding of all your social channels helps build credibility and recognition. Use the same brand colors, logos, and messaging on X as on other marketing channels.

Research Target Audience: Before diving into social selling on X, invest time in understanding your target audience’s preferences and pain points. Use advanced search options and tools to identify potential leads, prospects, or industry influencers that align with your business goals.

Engage in Industry Conversations: Taking part in relevant industry conversations allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Check hashtags related to your industry and engage with thought leaders through retweets, replies, or sharing valuable insights.

Share Valuable Content: One way to gain visibility and build credibility is by posting valuable content on X. Share industry news updates, blog posts, case studies, infographics, or any other useful resources that would interest your target audience.

Rich Media: Visual content is more engaging on social media platforms like X. Include images or videos and text-based tweets to capture attention and encourage users to interact with your content.

Leverage Chats and Hashtags: Participating in relevant chats and using popular industry hashtags can help expand your reach and connect with a wider audience. Engage in conversations, share insights, ask questions, and interact with the community to establish meaningful relationships.

Build Relationships with Influencers: Identify influential figures within your industry on X and start building relationships with them. Engage with their content, retweet their tweets, and offer genuine input. This can help you increase your visibility and credibility and open doors for collaboration or partnership opportunities.

Brand Mentions: Stay vigilant about monitoring brand mentions on X. Engage with users who mention or tag your brand in their tweets. Respond and thank them for positive mentions while addressing any concerns or issues that may arise.

Use Direct Messages Strategically: Leveraging direct messages (DMs) can effectively start one-on-one conversations with potential customers or leads on X. However, it’s essential to approach DMs by offering value upfront instead of pitching your product or service.

Track Performance Metrics: To measure the effectiveness of your social selling efforts on X, track relevant performance metrics such as engagement rate, follower growth, clicks on shared links, and lead conversions. This data will provide valuable insights into the success of your strategy and help make necessary adjustments.

Experiment and Adapt: Social selling is an iterative process that requires continuous experimentation and adaptation based on user feedback and changing trends. Watch what works well for your competitors or industry leaders on X and experiment with different approaches to find what resonates best with your target audience.

Collaborate Internally: Encourage sales teams within your organization to engage on X as part of their social selling efforts. Share best practices, collaborate on content creation, identify potential leads, and support each other in building relationships with prospects.

Measure ROI: While social selling on X can be time-consuming, measuring your efforts’ return on investment (ROI) is important. Track the revenue generated from leads gained through X and compare it against the resources invested to determine the impact on your bottom line.

Personalize Interactions: Building meaningful connections with potential customers requires personalized interactions. Take the time to research and understand your prospects’ pain points, challenges, and interests. Tailor your conversations and content to prove that you care about their needs.

Maximizing B2B social selling through X as your primary social channel requires a strategic approach, consistency, and thoughtful engagement. By leveraging these tips, you can build valuable relationships, drive lead generation, and achieve your sales goals.