B2B Social Selling - from strategy to practice

By analyzing the data, businesses can refine their sales pitches, and tailor their offerings to connect with buyers.


Tony Hackett


black smartphone near person B2B social selling
black smartphone near person B2B social selling

Social selling is a technique that leverages social media platforms and networks to build relationships and engage with potential customers.

Unlike traditional sales methods, which involve cold calls and pushing products or services, social selling focuses on understanding the needs and challenges of the target audience. By providing helpful content and building trust, sales professionals can guide potential buyers through purchasing.

Social selling involves creating and maintaining connections with prospects, nurturing relationships, and positioning oneself as a trusted advisor. It requires a strategic approach, tailored content, and regular engagement on various social media channels.

This practice aims to drive sales opportunities and improve sales performance by reaching decision-makers and influencing their purchase decisions.

Benefits of B2B Social Selling

By harnessing the power of social networks and platforms, companies can find and connect with potential prospects in a targeted manner.

One of the key advantages of social selling is the ability to build trust and relationships with potential customers. Instead of relying on cold calls and traditional sales pitches, social selling allows sales professionals to establish a rapport and engage in meaningful conversations through social media channels. This creates a more personalized and authentic approach, which resonates well with today’s discerning buyers.

Another benefit of B2B social selling is connecting businesses with the right decision-makers. Through strategic targeting and personalized messaging, sales reps can identify and engage with individuals who hold the power to make buying decisions. This ensures that resources focus on reaching the most influential stakeholders, who are more likely to convert into customers.

Developing a Strategy

Having a solid social selling strategy is crucial for B2B sales success. It allows sales professionals to build trust and meaningful relationships with potential customers, shortens sales cycles, and connects businesses with the right decision-makers.

Organizations should identify their ideal customer profile and target audience to develop an effective social selling strategy. By researching their prospects’ social media profiles, job titles, and connections, sales reps can personalize their messaging and engage with the right individuals.

Creating valuable and helpful content that resonates with the target audience is essential. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, or industry insights, providing relevant information positions sales teams as trusted advisors.

Leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, sales reps can engage in conversations, share content, and establish themselves as industry leaders.

Consistent engagement and proactive networking build relationships and convert prospects into customers.

Your Target Audience

By understanding your potential customers’ demographics, interests, and behaviors, you can tailor your message and offerings to meet their needs. This allows you to build meaningful connections and credibility with your prospects.

Identifying your target audience’s problems and challenges is crucial. These insights help you create targeted and relevant content addressing their needs. Positioning yourself as a problem solver makes it easier for potential customers to see your value and are more likely to engage with you.

It is also mandatory to know which social media platforms your target audience frequents the most. Building a presence on these platforms allows you to reach potential customers who are already spending their time and engage with them ‌‌that resonates. Understanding the preferences and behaviors of your target audience on these platforms can help you refine your social selling strategy and increase your chances of success.

So, invest in thorough research and analysis to understand your target audience and tailor your social selling efforts.

Connect on Social Platforms

First, be responsive. Promptly respond to comments, messages, and inquiries from potential customers. This shows that you value their engagement and are available to address their needs.

Second, share valuable content. Whether it is informative articles, industry insights, or helpful tips, providing valuable content positions you as an authority in your field and increases the chances of prospects engaging with you.

Authenticity matters. Show your true self and let your personality shine through your interactions on social media. Genuine connections are more likely to be established when prospects can relate to the person behind the brand.

Active social listening is a central pillar. Take the time to listen to your prospects’ concerns, challenges, and interests. You can tailor your approach and provide relevant solutions by understanding their needs.

Last, use social media as a tool for sales research. Gain insights about your potential customers’ preferences, frustrations, and buying behavior. This information will help you customize your messaging and create personalized sales pitches.

Create Helpful Content

One effective way to do this is by leveraging white papers, which are sought by B2B buyers when evaluating a technology acquisition.

White papers are a reliable source of information and are considered the most popular type of content for B2B buyers. You can establish yourself in your industry and build a strong reputation by providing informative and well-researched white papers.

The key is to deliver content that addresses your target audience’s pain points and challenges. By offering valuable insights, actionable tips, and in-depth analysis, you position yourself as an authority in your field and establish credibility with prospective customers.

Remember, helpful content goes beyond promoting your products or services. It aims to provide solutions and guidance to your audience, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to their success. By creating and sharing such content, you can attract and engage prospective customers, increasing your chances of closing deals and growing your business.

Relationships and Trust

Unlike traditional sales methods, social selling allows sales professionals to connect with prospects seeking authentic relationships rather than being bombarded with cold calls and sales pitches.

One benefit of social selling is building meaningful relationships with prospects. By leveraging social media platforms, sales professionals can engage with potential buyers. This approach allows for authentic conversations and the opportunity to understand each prospect’s needs and pains. By taking an interest in their challenges and offering solutions, sales professionals can establish trust and position themselves as valuable partners.

Social selling also provides the opportunity to use social listening tools to identify leads and engage in timely and relevant conversations. Sales professionals can identify potential prospects seeking solutions by monitoring conversations and mentions related to their industry or product/service. This approach allows for targeted outreach and personalized interactions, further strengthening the relationship-building process.

Another strategy to establish trust in B2B social selling is by providing practical and valuable information to prospects. This can be through sharing educational content, industry insights, or thought leadership blogs. By positioning themselves as trusted advisors who provide helpful information, sales professionals can showcase their expertise and build credibility with potential buyers.

Generating Leads

Through social media platforms and implementing effective social selling strategies, sales professionals can leverage their networks to identify and connect with potential buyers.

By establishing connections and building relationships with prospects, sales professionals can engage in targeted outreach and personalized interactions to nurture leads and move them through the sales funnel. This can be achieved by leveraging social listening tools to identify leads, engage in timely and relevant conversations, and provide valuable information and educational content to showcase expertise and build credibility with potential buyers.

These efforts help to generate qualified leads and improve the success of sales teams in the B2B space.


In B2B social selling, identifying the channels for your business goals and objectives is crucial. You want to choose social media platforms that align with your target audience and the type of content you want to share.

One popular choice for B2B brands is LinkedIn. With its focus on professionals and business networking, LinkedIn offers ample opportunities to connect with your target audience. You can create comprehensive company pages that showcase your products and services, highlight your expertise, and engage with potential customers through posts and updates.

Another platform to consider is Instagram. While not associated with B2B marketing, Instagram can be a valuable channel for building brand awareness and engagement. It allows you to share behind-the-scenes content, give a glimpse into your company culture, and create a connection with a broader audience. With the right strategy, Instagram can complement your other social selling efforts and help you reach potential customers.

Reaching Prospects

Personalization and a strong value proposition are crucial to capturing the attention of potential prospects.

Cold calls provide a direct line of communication with potential customers. Focus on quality over quantity by conducting thorough research beforehand. Tailor your messaging to the prospect’s industry, problems, and goals. You can establish credibility and generate interest by demonstrating how your solution can address their specific needs.

Email is another valuable tool in your outreach arsenal. Craft personalized and interesting emails that address the prospect. Remember that decision-makers are more likely to engage with vendors on social media, so include links to relevant social media profiles and content in your email signature.

Direct messages on platforms like LinkedIn can also be effective. Start by building relationships and engaging with prospects through meaningful interactions. Once a rapport is created, reach out with personalized messages, demonstrating your understanding of their business challenges and how your solution can help.

Decision-makers are bombarded with sales pitches, so standing out requires providing relevant and valuable insights. Studies show that 63% of B2B decision-makers engage with vendors on social media, emphasizing the importance of building connections and offering valuable content.

You can strengthen relationships and establish credibility by participating in conversations and engaging with potential prospects. This can lead to increased trust and, more closed deals. With the right approach and careful personalization, cold calls, emails, and direct messages can be powerful tools in reaching and engaging with prospects in your B2B social selling efforts.

Leverage Connections

By building and nurturing relationships with your prospects, you can better understand their buying processes and tailor your approach.

One way to gather more information is through direct communication with your prospects. Engage in meaningful conversations and ask open-ended questions to uncover their pain points, challenges, and decision-making criteria. This will provide valuable insights into their buying process and help you tailor your selling strategy.

Leverage your existing network and connections within the prospect’s organization. Identify key contacts who influence the buying decisions and build relationships with them. These contacts, often called economic buyers, user buyers, technical buyers, and gatekeepers, can provide valuable information about the buying process from different perspectives.

Use social media platforms to research and gather buyer information. Take advantage of tools and features available on social platforms to explore your prospects’ work history, affiliations, and interests. This information can give you valuable insights into their buying preferences and help you personalize your approach.

Last, adopt an insights-driven approach by conducting thorough research on the prospect’s industry, competitors, and market trends. By understanding the broader context of their business, you can better expect their buying process and position your solution.

Increase Productivity by Automating

Automating tasks using automation technology is one of the most effective ways to increase sales professional productivity. By leveraging the power of automation, sales professionals can streamline processes, save time, and improve their efficiency.

Automating tasks can provide benefits for sales professionals. For instance, repetitive and time-consuming tasks like data entry can be automated, allowing sales professionals to focus on more activities, such as building relationships with prospects and closing deals. This saves time and increases productivity, as sales professionals can focus on high-value tasks that contribute to sales success.

Automation technology also enables sales professionals to create standardized processes that can be followed. By automating tasks such as lead management, follow-ups, and scheduling, sales professionals can ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and that each prospect is nurtured along the sales pipeline.

By harnessing the power of automation technology, sales professionals can increase productivity by automating repetitive tasks, streamlining processes, and saving valuable time. This improves efficiency and allows sales professionals to focus on activities contributing to closing deals and driving sales success.


To maximize the effectiveness of your B2B social selling strategy, it is crucial to understand the specific tactics and techniques that can help you build strong relationships with prospects, generate sales opportunities, and close deals.

By leveraging the power of social media channels, providing valuable and helpful content, and building connections with potential buyers, you can create a prospecting factory that delivers results and drives revenue.

Quotas and Results

Sales quotas provide a target for sales professionals to work towards, keeping them motivated and focused on achieving their goals. By setting attainable sales goals, sales teams are likelier to stay committed and try to meet or exceed their targets.

Measuring results allows businesses to track the effectiveness of their social selling efforts. By monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as closed deals, sales conversations, and sales opportunities, companies can test the success of their social selling strategy. Accurate measurement enables businesses to identify what is working and needs improvement, allowing them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their sales performance.

In B2B social selling, where building relationships and nurturing prospects is crucial, measuring results helps identify the most effective tactics and channels to reach potential customers. It allows the marketing team and individual sales reps to understand which type of content or social media platforms resonate the most with their target audience. By analyzing the data, businesses can further refine their efforts, improve their sales pitches, and tailor their offerings to meet the needs and preferences of their potential buyers.

Focus on Building Relationships

Gone are the days of endless cold calls and sales pitches that yield minimal results. Instead, sales professionals are now focusing on personalized outreach and establishing genuine connections with potential customers.

Regarding B2B social selling, the goal is to build trust and credibility with prospects. This begins with personalized outreach tailored to address each prospect’s needs and challenges. By taking the time to understand their challenges, sales professionals can showcase how their products or services provide value and offer solutions.

Finding common ground is also crucial in building relationships. By identifying shared interests or experiences, sales professionals can establish a rapport and create a more personable connection. This humanizes the sales process and sets the stage for a meaningful conversation.

Once a relationship is established, nurture leads by sharing insightful content, participating in relevant discussions on social platforms, and providing helpful advice. By adding value and showing expertise, sales professionals can build trust.

Sales professionals can establish genuine connections that yield long-lasting partnerships by engaging in personalized outreach, finding common ground, and nurturing leads.