Applying "99 Ways to Tell a Story" Techniques to B2B Sales Presentations

99 Ways to Tell a Story shatters the misconception that there's only one set way of delivering a narrative.


Tony Hackett


a man sitting at a laptop computer with a laptop on the screen
a man sitting at a laptop computer with a laptop on the screen

In B2B sales, delivering a compelling sales presentation is crucial for success. However, many sales professionals often find themselves stuck in a rut, using the same tired approaches and techniques. This is where the "99 Ways to Tell a Story" concept can provide a fresh perspective and help elevate your B2B sales presentations to new heights.

What is "99 Ways to Tell a Story"?

"99 Ways to Tell a Story" is a book by Matt Madden that explores the idea of storytelling through various techniques and approaches. The book challenges the notion that there is only one way to tell a story and encourages readers to experiment with different storytelling methods. While the book primarily focuses on comic art, its principles can be applied to various mediums, including B2B sales presentations.

Why Apply "99 Ways"

B2B sales presentations often follow a predictable format, with slides filled with bullet points and data-heavy content. While this approach may provide information, it often fails to engage and captivate the audience. By applying the lessons and techniques from the book, you can break free from the traditional mold and create memorable, persuasive, and impactful presentations.

Embracing Creativity and Variety

One of the fundamental principles is embracing creativity and variety. Instead of relying solely on slides filled with text and numbers, consider incorporating visual elements, storytelling techniques, and interactive elements into your B2B sales presentations.

For example, visual metaphors can convey complex ideas or concepts. Instead of simply stating the benefits of your product or service, you can create a visual representation that illustrates how it solves a problem or fulfills a need. This makes your presentation more engaging and helps your audience better understand and remember your message.

Another technique to consider is incorporating storytelling elements into your B2B sales presentations. Instead of presenting a series of facts and figures, tell a story highlighting the challenges your potential customers face and how your solution can help overcome those challenges. Stories have a powerful impact on the human brain, making it easier for your audience to connect with your message on an emotional level.

Personalizing the Presentation

Another valuable lesson is the importance of personalization. Instead of delivering a generic sales pitch, tailor your B2B sales presentation to your audience's specific needs and interests.

Before your presentation, take the time to research your potential clients and understand their pain points, goals, and challenges. Use this information to customize your content and demonstrate how your product or service can address their unique needs. You can establish trust and credibility by showing that you understand their specific situation, making your presentation more persuasive and impactful.

Visual and Interactive Elements

In the age of digital media, static slides filled with text can be dull and uninspiring. Consider incorporating visual and interactive elements to make your B2B sales presentations more engaging.

Infographics, videos, and images can help convey information in a visually appealing and memorable way. Instead of overwhelming your audience with text-heavy slides, use visuals to simplify complex ideas and make your message more accessible.

Furthermore, consider incorporating interactive elements into your presentations. This can include live demonstrations, interactive quizzes, or even virtual reality experiences, depending on the nature of your product or service. Allowing your audience to participate in the presentation can create a more immersive and memorable experience.

Practice and Feedback

As with any new approach or technique, applying the principles of "99 Ways to Tell a Story" to B2B sales presentations requires practice and feedback.

Take the time to rehearse your presentation, focusing on the storytelling elements, visual aids, and interactive elements you have incorporated. Pay attention to the flow and pacing, ensuring your message is clear and concise.

Seek feedback from colleagues or mentors to gain valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. By refining your presentation skills, you can become more comfortable and confident in delivering engaging and persuasive B2B sales presentations.


By applying the lessons and techniques from "99 Ways to Tell a Story" to your B2B sales presentations, you can break free from the traditional mold and create presentations that captivate, engage, and persuade your audience. Embracing creativity, personalization, and visual and interactive elements can help you stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression on your potential clients.

Remember, there are countless ways to present a single idea or sales pitch, and by exploring new approaches, you can elevate your B2B sales presentations to new heights.